The Geiger Gibson / RCHN Community Health Foundation Research Collaborative has released a new research brief entitled “Analysis of the Proposed Rule on Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Health Professional Shortage Areas.” This is the second in a continuing series issued by the Collaborative.
The policy brief, authored by Peter Shin, Leighton Ku, Emily Jones and Sara Rosenbaum of the George Washington University Medical Center’s School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS), examines a proposed federal regulation to create a new method to designate Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Areas or Populations. It concludes that the proposed rule would jeopardize CHCs across the country, endangering their ability to serve the nation’s most vulnerable patients.
Click here to download the updated two-page highlights document (revised 5/1/08).
Click here to download the entire updated research brief (revised 5/1/08).