Outreach and Enrollment Grants.

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or ACA, into law. The ACA focuses on expanding health insurance coverage, controlling health care costs, and improving the health care delivery system.  Community health centers and other primary care providers are expected to play a pivotal role in ACA implementation, particularly in outreach and enrollment efforts. Yet despite a favorable climate, mission imperative and financial imperative, health centers will likely face significant challenges in assisting with outreach and enrollment because of complex regulations, the limitations of existing tools, and state-specific constraints. Given the complex landscape, health centers will have to identify strategies for overcoming obstacles related to outreach and enrollment, utilize best practices and determine how to participate most effectively in the process.

Request for Proposals – CLOSED
This Foundation initiative will support community health center and PCA proposals to develop and implement programs focused on enhancing outreach and enrollment efforts through the use of technology, training, and/ or development of best practices. In general, strategies might focus on staff training, development of relevant staff skills, investment in outreach staff and technology, creation of outreach materials, building relationships with and across community organizations, and methods to improve patient retention of health insurance coverage. Proposals should capitalize on existing strengths, community relationships and familiarity with the uninsured population. Innovative proposals that are informed by community needs and leverage available resources are encouraged. We are especially interested in local models that may be applicable to or replicated in broader geographies, as well as those focused on the needs of special populations, including low income young adults.

Read the complete RFP

Frequently Asked Questions

Final FAQs October 9, 2013

Additional questions regarding the RFP may be posed via the email to fjacobs@rchnfoundation.org. In the subject line please include the text “RFP QUESTION” and the APPLICANT NAME. The deadline for all questions about this RFP is Tuesday October 8, 2013 at 12:00 pm (noon) eastern time. Responses to all questions will be posted on this site on or before 6:00 pm eastern time on Friday October 11, 2013.

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